1. The author of the manuscript on scientific, technical, economic theme provides the editorial board with expert opinion on the possibility of publication.
2. The manuscript presented by the author at the scientific, technical, economic topics is sent via the profile of research for review by the member of the editorial Board, supervising the appropriate subject, or experts – scientists and experts in the field (to Dr., PhD).
3. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts are private property of the authors, and the information contained therein are confidential and cannot be disclosed.
4. The review is confidential. The review is closed and given to the author upon his written request without a signature and the name, position and affiliation of the reviewer. The review can be provided by the respective request to the Russian HAC.
5. Violation of confidentiality is possible only in the case of the reviewer’s statement of unreliability or falsification of materials contained in the manuscript.
6. If the review of the manuscript has a reference to the need of correction, it is sent to the author for revision. In this case, the date of receipt is the date of return of revised manuscript.
7. In case of disagreement with reviewer's opinion the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned response to the journal. The manuscript may be sent for the second reviewing or for approval to the editorial Board.
8. The decision on publication after reviewing is taken by the chief editor (Deputy chief editor) and, if necessary, by the editorial Board.
9. The editorial Board informs about the decision of the author upon request. To the author of the manuscript not accepted for publication the editorial Board sends on request a reasoned refusal.

10. Not reviewed:

– articles of members of Russian Academy of Sciences, if a member of the Academy is the only or the first author of the publication;
– scientific reports, recommended for publication by the decisions of forums, congresses and industry conferences;
– information, information-advertising, presentation articles, blog posts and ads.





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